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Crystallization of honey is a completely normal condition and depends on the honey’s sugar content. Honey always retains its properties. If it crystallizes, heat it in a bain-marie and wait for it to come to room temperature. In no case don’t heat the honey above 35 degrees because it loses a significant percentage of its nutrients.

Unpasteurized honey should be consumed within two years of opening its packaging.

The consumption of honey by infants is prohibited until the age of 12 months to avoid the presentation of botulism. For more information, contact your child’s pediatrician.

Even for a person with diabetes, consuming honey in moderation can be beneficial and not harmful at all. For more information, contact your doctor.

One teaspoon has about 15-25 calories.

Taking into account that bees need access to millions of flowers to collect the necessary pollen and nectar for producing 1 kg of honey, and considering that a portion of it will be used to fulfill the bees’ own needs, it is estimated that around 14,000 bees are required to produce a single kilo of honey!

Yes, consuming honey mixed with warm water daily can purify the blood and help eliminate excess fat stored in the tissues.

Crystallization, or granulation, is a natural stage in honey’s life cycle. People often refer to this process as “sugaring” due to honey’s sugar content. However, the accurate term is “crystallization.” All types of honey will crystallize at some point, except those derived from spruce and pine. Honey is a supersaturated solution of sugars, and factors such as glucose and water content, pollen or wax, and storage temperature contribute to the crystallization process. The type of pollen in honey also provides a timeframe for when we can expect crystallization to occur. For example, thyme honey crystallizes after 12 months, while cottonwood, heather, or sunflower honey can crystallize in just a few days.

The sugaring or, better, the crystallization of honey is a natural phenomenon.

Crystallization in honey or “sugaring” is due to the natural glucose content of genuine honey combined with its moisture. The crystallization of genuine honey is a natural process that does not affect the product’s nutritional value and is unrelated to its quality.

Although the legislation sets a limit for the expiry of honey at two years, if it is kept in suitable conditions, it does not expire. That’s why we store it in a cool and dark place.

In honey, in particular, when its temperature reaches or exceeds 45 °C, the change in its composition is significant. But, of course, this also depends on the time it stays at high temperatures.

Deeper sleep: The sugar in honey raises insulin levels in the blood, releasing serotonin. Serotonin is subsequently converted into melatonin, a hormone essential for the quality and duration of our sleep.

After collecting the nectar or secretions with a special process that takes place inside their body, specifically in the prolobus, the bees turn them into honey which they deposit in the honeycomb cells inside their beehive. There they dehydrate it, dropping its moisture from 14% to 18%, and, after ripening, seal it with a film of wax to preserve it. Moisture should not exceed 20% for most honey and 23% for heather honey. The moisture is mainly due to poor storage and the age of the honey and less often to adulteration with the addition of water to increase the weight. Excess water leads to the sourness of the honey.

Honey producers argue that we should not classify honey as good or bad. Instead, they recommend using the term “pure” to describe honey. When they say “pure,” they refer to honey that results from the beekeeper respecting the bees’ life cycle and allowing them to produce honey without interference. The beekeeper then collects and provides the consumer with the exact product that nature and the bees have created.

While chemical analysis remains the most reliable method, a simple alternative is to pour a spoonful of honey into a glass of water without stirring it. Pure honey will sink to the bottom of the glass without altering its composition. However, if the honey contains syrup, it will gradually dissolve.

It contains carbohydrates, so its consumption provides energy to our bodies. In addition, its sugars are simple and easily absorbed, being a quick energy source.

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